About Me

Islamic author, copy editor, and language enthusiast

“I work with Islamic organizations and independent clients who use the power of words in propagating Islam.”


I love writing them, reading them, learning them, and sometimes, playing with them.

What I enjoy most – a tad too mischievously – about words on paper (or the screen) is how easily they can be manipulated:
Write. And if there’s something wrong in the piece, no worries. Edit.
Rinse and repeat.

I also love all things Islamic. So when my pleasure with words gets tied with my love for Islam, that’s when I know I’ve hit bull’s eye!

Umm Marwan Ibrahim has previously lent her services as counselor at nonprofit organizations like ArRajaa The Hope Counseling Service and Solace Islamic Assistance.

She also has a background in teaching Islamic Studies to kids at Kalemah, besides other well-known institutes based in Dubai.